“Thank you Mom for always being there for me through think and thin. I wouldn't be nearly the person I am today without you in my life. THANK YOU SO MUCH for your love, encouragement, and the countless sacrifices you've made supporting my dreams and sparing me from a few disasters too.”
Janet ValentyCEO Wellness Pursuits
“Thank you Dad for your love, support and encouragement. Thank you for always being there when I needed you the most. Thank you for your example of responsibility, reliability and integrity as it has helped shape the person I've become in so many ways.”
Jack ValentyCEO Modern Survival
“Thank you Brother for your friendship, your partnership and introducing me to ice hockey. You challenge and encourage me to be a better person every day. Thank you for building a technology platform that never failed for 15 years and for being a rock-solid business partner for so many years.”
Mike ValentySr. Engineer @Google
“Thank you for your my beautiful children and being such a great mom to them. Thank you for your thoughtful nature and making the house so pretty during the holidays. Thank you for loving me (even when I don't make it easy). I will always love you.”